gpf package

Module contents

This is the documentation for the gpf package for Python 3.6+. For the Python 2.7 version (suitable for ArcGIS Desktop 10.6+), please refer to the gpf package.

The gpf package contains several subpackages with tools and helpers for all kinds of ArcGIS-related geoprocessing and data management tasks. It is released under the Apache License 2.0 as an open-source product, allowing the community to freely use it, improve it and possibly add new features.

Several tools in this package require Esri’s arcpy Python library, which does not make this a free package. However, users who have already installed and authorized ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap, ArcCatalog etc.) should be able to work with this package without any problems.


It is recommended to import arcpy via the gpf package (from gpf import arcpy). This will load the same (and unmodified) module as import arcpy would load, but it shows more useful error messages when the import fails.